Aztec Landscaping began operating in 1970, conducting business from the city of Lemon Grove. Aztec Landscaping, Inc. has been family owned and operated for the last thirty years. The following are performance assessment reports and excerpts of letters received:

County of San Diego

The City of San Diego

Brian P. Bilbray
"One behalf if the 49th Congressional District, I would like to congratulate you in being chosen as one of the 1999 Multicultural Heritage Award finalists. The commitment you have given to support, educate, and promote diversity and multiculturalism will benefit not only your organization, but the San Diego community as well. You effort to promote such diversity provides an excellent example for all companies who wish to thrive in San Diego. Keep up the good work! Once again, I would like to congratulate you on your achievement."
Marleine Edquilang
"Enclosed is your performance evaluation you have been rated OUTSTANDING…" Performance elements: Quality of work, quality control program, preparation of schedules, timely performance, effectiveness of management, response to requests, reports required by contract, compliance with safety standards, compliance with labor standards, all OUTSTANDING.
Terry E. Marker
"Just a note to let you know how much we admired the excellent job you performed today. A very difficult job, expertly done... with no damage to wire cables, fences or adjacent buildings. In these days of sometimes questionable workmanship... your gentlemen deserve recognition."
Lynn Tolleclark
Fourth Church of Christ, La Jolla
"Thank you for all your fine work over the past two years. The Executive Board and the Grounds Committee are very happy with our association with your company. Thank You, for all your assistance. As chairman of the Grounds Committee I appreciate your attitude and cooperation in keeping the grounds around the Church looking attractive.".