
California Landscape Contractors Association
The CLCA is a non-profit trade organization of state licensed landscape and landscape-related limited specialty contractors. Contractor members are licensed by the state of California and regulated by the Contractors State License Board for the protection of the consumer.

International Society of Arboriculture
ISA has an educationally challenging program designed to upgrade the knowledge and proficiency levels in the profession. Certification provides a vehicle to convey an arborist's competence and commitment to professionalism to the consumer.

The Professional Tree Care Association of San Diego
The PTCA is a membership organization dedicated to promoting the highest standards of tree care. Our focus is on education and community service as well as the interchange/dissemination of the latest technology and research.

San Diego Chapter of the Community Associations Institute
The Community Associations Institute is a non-profit educational and resource organization formed in 1973 to distribute guidance on homeowner associations and their shared facilities in condominiums, cluster housing, planned unit developments and open space communities.